Multilingual Sites

Reach your target audiences in their own languages. We make it easy to manage multilingual content in
  • Site pages
  • News
  • Newsletters
  • Forums
  • Entire site content...
Back-end administrators are offered a multilingual work environment as well.
This is especially important when your site administrators and editors are located in various countries. Each of them can then manage and edit content  using an interface that speaks his or her language.

A multilingual site allows you also to offer different content in each different language. For example, think of a marketing campaign to be launched in just one country. You would want to publish a news item about it in just a single language; or send a newsletter to users in that country.


Extensive Experience With...


Fully-functional feature-rich and secure online shops. Since 1995.

multi-national industries

Corporate Web applications for users located all around the world.

state administration

Web applications for internal use in local and state administration offices.

non-profit organizations

Sites with member participation, newsletter and fund-raising campaigns, and more.

Tech Implementations

content management systems

Our own EndorMedia CMS or a Sitefinity CMS enriched by our custom-made modules.

Sitefinity CMS Partner EndorMedia is a Sitefinity CMS Partner. more