Our Portfolio

EndorMedia's clients come from various market sectors and industries.
Our wide-ranging cutting-edge solutions include:


We inaugurated our first online shop back in 1995.
We now provide fully-functional feature-rich and secure eCommerce Web sites. Among our early sites are those for La Fondazione: The Gateway to Venice and Natù.
Currently in its beta version is an eCommerce site for the Transportation Office at the Pronvicia di Venezia, Italy.

Multi-National Industries

We've been offering corporate Web applications used by authenticated users located all around the world and speak a multitude of languages.
We've also been providing Content Management Systems to corporation from various industries.
Our most recent clients come from the aerospace industry and the tire industry.

Local and State Administration Offices

Our administration solutions include the implementation of Content Management Systems for public Web sites and custom-made Web applications open to the public and office workers as well for managing public-related data, certificate issuing or fee collection.

Non-Profit Organizations

These particular solutions are for heavy-traffic sites with active member participation, newsletters and fund-raising campaigns, multiple content editors, publishers and administrators.
Our most recent client is the G6PD Deficiency Association new site.

Extensive Experience With...


Fully-functional feature-rich and secure online shops. Since 1995.

multi-national industries

Corporate Web applications for users located all around the world.

state administration

Web applications for internal use in local and state administration offices.

non-profit organizations

Sites with member participation, newsletter and fund-raising campaigns, and more.

Tech Implementations

content management systems

Our own EndorMedia CMS or a Sitefinity CMS enriched by our custom-made modules.

Sitefinity CMS Partner EndorMedia is a Sitefinity CMS Partner. more